Register your Tiger Lite product on this site within 30 days of purchase. In the event of a problem with your product, whether broken or defective, we will exchange it for you (limited to one exchange per year) and send you the new product for collection at a relay point.
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The lifetime warranty applies to all Tiger Glass Plus, Tiger Case and TigerPower, Tiger Glass Lite, Tiger Case Lite and Tiger Power Lite products, subjectto the exceptions detailed below. Only the customer (non-professional, with theexception of corporate fleets) who has purchased or owns a Tiger Glass Plus,Tiger Case, Tiger Power, Tiger Glass Lite, Tiger Case Lite and Tiger Power Liteproduct may benefit from the lifetime warranty (hereinafter referred to as thepurchaser).
It is limited to one (1) product exchange per year.
In addition to this lifetime warranty, legal warranties also apply, inaccordance with the provisions of the French Civil Code (articles 1641 and 1648,para. 1) and the French Consumer Code (articles L.217-4, L.217-5). L.217-12 andL.217-16). The lifetime warranty applies only to products purchased in France,Spain, Belgium and Portugal. For all other countries, please contact your localdealer for the warranty conditions applicable to this product.
INNOV8 CONNECT'S OBLIGATIONSThe lifetime warranty is valid for the period during which the purchaser ownsthe product. It can only be exercised once a year. The lifetime warranty coversall material and manufacturing defects for use under normal conditions inaccordance with the instructions for use. We remind you that during theprocessing of an after-sales request, the customer remains responsible for theconsequences of the breakage of his phone. Under no circumstances will Tigerafter-sales service cover any repairs to a damaged phone while the request isbeing processed.
WARRANTY ELIGIBILITYIn the event of breakage, cracking or defective product, the purchaser mayrequest eligibility for the Tiger Lifetime Warranty by completing the form at in the "MY WARRANTY" section. Proof ofpurchase, including the brand name, place and date of purchase, must be uploadedduring the declaration process. An e-mail confirming that the claim has beenprocessed is sent to the buyer. If all the criteria are met, a BRV (ReturnAuthorization Number) is issued to the customer, together with the returnprocedure. The buyer will then send the product by registered and/or trackedmail to the Tiger Glass Plus/Tiger Case/Tiger Power/Tiger Glass Lite/ Tiger CaseLite/ Tiger Power Lite after-sales service, respecting the followingrecommendations: the BRV number must be written on the outside of the packaging;the Tiger Glass Plus/Tiger Case/Tiger Power/Tiger Glass Lite/ Tiger Case Lite/Tiger Power Lite product must be properly wrapped to prevent any additionalbreakage during shipment. The purchaser is responsible for any loss, breakage,deterioration, etc. suffered by the product, until receipt of the Tiger GlassPlus/Tiger Case/Tiger Power/Tiger Glass Lite/ Tiger Case Lite/ Tiger Power Liteproduct by our After Sales Center. Once the product has been checked, innov8Connect will either accept or reject it.
In order to benefit from the Lifetime Warranty on Tiger Glass Lite, Tiger CaseLite and Tiger Power Lite products, the Purchaser must first register theProduct within thirty days of its purchase date, as indicated on thepurchase invoice.
WARRANTY EXCLUSIONSThe lifetime warranty does not cover the "Coque 360" and "Camera Ring" productsin the Tiger Glass Plus range, nor the "Powerbank" products in the Tiger Powerrange.
The lifetime warranty does not cover damage caused by normal wear andtear, accidents, abusive use, negligence, fire, contact with liquid or any otherexternal cause, damage of any kind whatsoever:
1. misuse or failure tofollow the operating instructions ;
2. use with another product; or maintenance by a person not authorized by innov8 Connect.
Alsoexcluded from the lifetime warranty are stolen products or non-genuine TigerGlass Plus/ Tiger Case/Tiger Power/Tiger Glass Lite/ Tiger Case Lite/ TigerPower Lite products. These products will not be returned to the sender. In thecase of tempered glass, the following reasons for return by the purchaser cannotbe covered by the lifetime warranty: glass detachment due to incorrectinstallation, bubbles on the glass due to incorrect installation, scratches onthe glass, incorrect compatibility with the cell phone. For Tiger Case and TigerCase Lite shells, the following reasons for return by the purchaser will not becovered by the lifetime warranty: incompatibility with the mobile, wear andtear, finger marks, yellowing. For Tiger Power and Tiger Power Lite chargingaccessories, the Tiger Lifetime Warranty covers all material and manufacturingdefects in the Products under normal use and in accordance with theinstructions. The Lifetime Warranty is valid during the period of ownership ofthe Products by the original purchaser. In the event of interruption ofmanufacture of the Product, the Tiger Glass Plus/Tiger Case/Tiger Power/TigerGlass Lite/ Tiger Case Lite/ Tiger Power Lite warranty is limited to five (5)years from the date of interruption of manufacture of the Product. innov8Connect's sole obligation under this express warranty shall be, at its optionand expense, to exchange Defective Products returned by the Customer. If thisexchange option is not reasonably available or possible, inov8 Connect will makea partial or full refund to the Customer for the defective Products taking intoaccount the number of years these Products have been on the market. Defectiveitems returned and covered by the Tiger Glass Plus/Tiger Case/Tiger Power/TigerGlass Lite/ Tiger Case Lite/ Tiger Power Lite warranty will become the propertyof innov8 Connect. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, innov8Connect excludes for itself, its dealers and suppliers, any liability, whetherin contract or tort (including negligence), for direct or indirect damages.